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Liza Louise ays she was bullied and accused of stuffing her bra after starting her period at just 18-MONTHS-OLD and growing boobs aged seven.

BULLIED. I got my first period at just 18 months old and by 7 I had DD boobs

"My primary school was made aware of it and they had to keep toiletries for me in the reception"

A WOMAN says she was bullied and accused of stuffing her bra after starting her period at just 18-MONTHS-OLD and growing boobs aged seven.

Liza Louise was

diagnosed with precocious puberty – an extremely rare condition where a child’s body begins to develop too soon – before she had barely learned to walk.

Liza Louise ays she was bullied and accused of stuffing her bra after starting her period at just 18-MONTHS-OLD and growing boobs aged seven.

Baby Liza’s body began maturing into an adult a mere year-and-a-half after she was born.

The customer service worker, 23, of Newcastle was wearing DD bras at eight-years-old and having regular periods while she was still in primary school.

The condition resulted in horrific bullying from cruel schoolmates who singled her out for having big boobs, with vile comments from her peers – and even their parents.


Liza said: “I developed more than everybody else. 

“I’ve basically always had bigger boobs, I started developing them at seven years old. 

“Through primary school we would go swimming with the school, in the changing rooms there were constant comments. 

Liza Louise ays she was bullied and accused of stuffing her bra after starting her period at just 18-MONTHS-OLD and growing boobs aged seven.

“Boys would accuse me of stuffing my bra or getting breast implants – but I was just a child.

“Other children and their parents would always look at me and make comments, but they had no idea what was going on. 

“There were just all these negative comments, and bullying as well.”

Liza said her worried mum and dad rushed her to the doctors when she started to bleed from her vagina at around 18-months-old. 

Sometimes newborns can experience a “period” known as false menses, where the resulting estrogen drop-off from their mum causes a small amount of bleeding – however it’s unheard of in older babies and toddlers.

Liza explained: “I started bleeding abnormally and so my parents took me to the doctors, who suggested it might be something called precocious puberty. 

“I had to have a procedure to see what was going on.

“They confirmed it and found out I was having a full-on period, like one I would get now as a fully-grown woman.

“It meant that I would start puberty before everyone else and start developing early.”

Liza Louise ays she was bullied and accused of stuffing her bra after starting her period at just 18-MONTHS-OLD and growing boobs aged seven.

Liza said that thanks to her supportive parents she never felt weird, and was taught to accept that what was happening to her body was totally normal, if a little early. 

She said: “The physical signs of it started when I was about seven-years-old, you could physically see me developing before everybody else. 

“Throughout it all my parents were encouraging me to feel normal.

“With the support of my parents I was able to feel completely normal, and the doctors were absolutely amazing.”

Liza explained how after the initial period as a baby she experienced off-and-on bleeding throughout her childhood, before starting her period “properly” at just eight-years-old. 

She said: “My primary school was made aware of it and they had to keep toiletries for me in the reception. 

“It helped me to feel a bit more comfortable about it all, I wasn’t made to panic and worry about what everybody Liza Louise ays she was bullied and accused of stuffing her bra after starting her period at just 18-MONTHS-OLD and growing boobs aged seven.was going to think. I had a good support system around me.”

But Liza found that as she got older, classmates became more unkind.

She said: “The problems started in high school. At that age you start to navigate relationships, and some of the comments from boys were so personal. 

“Even though they have no idea that the reason my body looked so different was because I had been developing since the age of seven, it just makes you feel insecure. 

“It was horrible for me to go through school like that.”

But Liza said that her experience helped her to actually come to terms with her changing body far quicker than her peers, and also support other pals through puberty as she had started so much earlier than them. 

She said: “It helped me to understand my body. 

“I now have a very healthy relationship with my body, and I’m very open to explaining the situation and what I have been through. 

“I think a lot of young girls in this day and age are ashamed of their bodies and are ashamed of speaking about periods. 

“I want to completely change because I think it’s just the wrong way of thinking.”

Liza said she suffers painful and heavier periods because of her condition, which she manages with the pill. 

There was also a risk that it could affect her fertility, although this was not the case for Liza. 

According to the NHS website: “Early puberty mostly affects girls and often has no obvious cause. 

“It’s less common in boys and may be more likely to be associated with an underlying problem.

Liza Louise ays she was bullied and accused of stuffing her bra after starting her period at just 18-MONTHS-OLD and growing boobs aged seven.

“It’s not always clear what causes early puberty. It may just be a tendency that runs in your family.

“Occasionally it can be caused by a problem in the brain, such as a tumour, damage to the brain as a result of an infection, surgery or radiotherapy, a problem with the ovaries or thyroid gland, or a genetic disorder, such as McCune-Albright syndrome.

“Tests and treatments for early puberty can include a blood test to check hormone levels, a hand X-ray to help determine likely adult height or an ultrasound scan or MRI scan to check for problems such as tumours.

“It can be treated with medication to reduce hormone levels and pause sexual development for a few years or treating a possible underlying condition.

“Treatment with medication is usually only recommended if it’s thought early puberty will cause emotional or physical problems, such as a very short stature or early periods in girls, which may cause significant distress.”


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