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Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards. 

These are the latest comical entries into the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2022

FROM affectionate seals and angry bears to itchy kangaroos and an antelope wearing a hat – these images have wowed judges of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards. 

Witty photographers from around the world have snapped rare and comical moments of animals up to all sorts of mischief. 

They are so far the most side-splitting entries to the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards in 2022.

Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards. 
Uncomfortable Pillow. Credit: Andrew Peacock

One photographer caught a glamorous antelope with a homemade hat of grass perched elegantly on its head. 

Another snapped kangaroos lending each other a helping hand to itch a spot their little arms couldn’t reach.

2022 Comedy Wildlife Photographer of the Year best so far

A dancing spider caught one snappers eye as it proved it doesn’t take two to tango – just eight legs. 

Furry friends have been a common entry with one of two baby foxes playing and a lion cup laughing over its mother as she sleeps. 

Two seals were snapped getting cosy, with one using the other as a makeshift pillow.


A sleep squirrel had one photographer laughing as they snapped it perched on a thin branch having a post-lunch nap. 

A cheeky owl gave one photographer a wink, while a duck enthusiastically showed off how quick it could fly as it hurtled towards the lens.

2022 Comedy Wildlife Photographer of the Year best so far

And it’s probably hard for a giraffe to scratch its own itches but one was snapped making the most of a high up branch to tickle its ear.

One photographer showed a baby bear being told off by its angry mum, probably for splashing about in the water too much.

The Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards is in its eighth year. 

Professional and amateur photographers alike are still able to enter their own images before the closing date on September 1.


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