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dog attacks

DOG attacks that led to Brits needing hospital treatment have rocketed in 12 months

"The simple message is, any dog can bite, and to ‘Be alert, Be aware, Be safe"

DOG attacks that led to Brits needing hospital treatment have rocketed in the last year.

A fifth more people had to compared to the previous 12 months.

Experts are blaming it on more folk getting pooches during the Covid-19 lockdowns.

The figures included 614 babies under four and 378 kids aged 10 to 14 who were savaged by canines.

The number of attacks on kids from 10 to 14 have increased by a quarter, while instances of dogs mauling toddlers have increased by 10 per cent.

This comes on top of an increase of 54 per cent of dog bites from 2020 to 2021.



RSPCA specialists blamed it on Brits impulse buying puppies over the pandemic.

But numbers continue to rise.

And now St John Ambulance and the RSPCA are urging families to take steps to avoid attacks over the hot summer.

They said: “St John Ambulance and the RSPCA want children, adults and four-legged friends to enjoy a carefree, happy summer in dog attacksparks and public spaces and are issuing practical steps to keep safe around dogs and first aid advice, if bitten.  

“The simple message is, any dog can bite, and to ‘Be alert, Be aware, Be safe’. “

There are an estimated 12 million dogs in the UK, with 8,655 attacks being reported in 2021/2022.

This is up by 1,231 from 2020/2021, when there were 7,424.

With most fatal attacks happening in the home, the RSPCA warned owners to steer clear of dogs showing their teeth, growling, yawning, lip licking and lowering their head and ears back as these are signs that a dog needs space and feels anxious.

And they warned that children should never be alone with your pup.

Head of Clinical Operations at St John Ambulance, Steve Hatton, said: “it is vital parents, children and dog owners understand dogs behaviour and look for signs they are not happy and know how to react if a dog is showing signs of discomfort.”

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