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McDonald's staff left in shock after discovering FIVE FOOT boa constrictor

McDonald’s staff left in shock after discovering FIVE FOOT boa constrictor

"we were ssshocked when we opened the box to find a 5ft boa constrictor!"

A FIVE-foot killer snake was found outside of a MCDONALD’S – after it was initially mistaken for a run-of-the-mill adder.

Animal rescuers found the massive boa constrictor after being called out for an injured adder spotted close to the burger chain.

The deadly serpents can grow up to THREE METRES long, with their stretching mouths allowing them to devour prey whole.

And just last week a 27-year-old man from Pennsylvania, US, was strangled to death by a massive five-and-a-half-metre beast.

The RSPCA were called to tame the burger-hunting beast in Bognor Regis, West Sussex, yesterday (August 2).

we were ssshocked when we opened the box to find a 5ft boa constrictor!
Credit: RSPCA/Triangle News

The RSPCA said: “We came to rescue this beauty who was found outside McDonald’s in Bognor Regis. 

“Reported as an injured adder, we were ssshocked when we opened the box to find a 5ft boa constrictor!”

RSPCA Inspector Hannah Nixon said: “Based on the report that was phoned in, I was expecting an adder – which is a fairly common native British snake.  

“But when I peeked in the box, I was confronted with a full 5ft of boa constrictor – an exotic, non-native snake and not what I was expecting at all! 

“The poor animal did look like he had been in the wars a bit, with a few scratches and cuts, so I have taken the boa to our Stubbington Ark animal centre in Fareham, Hampshire, to get him checked out.

Snakes become particularly active in hot weather, so we suspect this may be an escaped pet.

“Snakes are excellent escape artists and will take the opportunity of a gap in an enclosure door, or a loose-fitting lid to make a break for it.”

Seeing the RSPCA’s rescue one lady, who was called Rachel, said: “Wow, he is a beauty. 

“I love these types of snakes. 

“I’ve been lucky enough to handle 2 in my life a Burmese and a royal python. 

“I hope he finds a happy home.”

A FIVE-foot killer snake was found outside of a MCDONALD’S - after it was initially mistaken for a run-of-the-mill adder.
McDonalds in Bognor Regis where the snake was found

The animal charity received 1,219 calls for pet snakes needing help last year, reaching a height of 180 a month during the hottest months.

Snakes are particularly active in hot weather and the RSPCA have warned owners to make sure their enclosures are fastened securely.

Boa constrictors are already 60 centimetres long when they are born and grow continuously throughout their 30 year lifespan.

Native to Central and South America, they are excellent swimmers but tend to stay under hollow logs and in abandoned burrows.

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