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Woman discovers amazing hack to restore trainers to new by using shaving foam

Woman discovers amazing hack to restore trainers to new by using shaving foam

"I didn't think it would actually work"

A THRIFTY woman has shared a cost of living crisis-busting hack to save hard-up Brits from having to fork out on new trainers – using SHAVING FOAM.

Beth Nicholas brought her mucky old Converse back to life by soaking them in Gillette.

It saved her paying £40 for a new pair using a £1 can of foam.

The 37-year-old’s sneakers were ruined when she broke down on the motorway and she was forced to stand in mud on the hard shoulder.

She thought she’d never wear them again so put them in storage where they got covered in mould.

But amid the rising inflation on everything at the moment, frugal Beth got them out to try out the idea.

She left them in shaving foam for half an hour and then rubbed them gently with a toothbrush leaving them looking box fresh again.

Woman discovers amazing hack to restore trainers to new by using shaving foam

Marketing consultant Beth, of Brighton, posted before and after snaps on Facebook and it went viral getting over 5,000 likes, comments and shares.

She said: “I decided to give it a go.

Woman discovers amazing hack to restore trainers to new by using shaving foam

It took around five minutes to cover them inside and out, then I left for 30 minutes in the bath.

“Then it was another five minutes or so scrubbing with a toothbrush, then a cold water rinse in the bath and 24 hours left to dry in the garden.”

She added: “I didn’t think it would actually work. 

“It wasn’t like they were going white in front of me. 

“The rubber soles did when brushed. 

“But they only really showed up when they had dried.”

Beth continued: “I did it due to the cost of living crisis for me personally and to help other people struggling.

“New Converse are over £40 and the shaving foam was £1. 

Woman discovers amazing hack to restore trainers to new by using shaving foam

“I have loads of slightly battered trainers in my wardrobe, so I’m now going to work on and save myself forking out on new pairs.

She said she was blown away by her post going viral.

“I was shocked. It’s still going as well.

“There’s a fair few people who are saying it’s a new pair of trainers, which is definitely isn’t.”

In her Facebook post, Beth said: “So the shaving foam thing definitely works.

Woman discovers amazing hack to restore trainers to new by using shaving foam

“It was just Gillette. I left for about 30 minutes then rubbed in with a toothbrush.

“They look gross. I broke down on the M25 and they got muddy. 

“Then I put them in storage so there were actual mould spores on there.

 “The foam got rid of all of it. I washed the laces separately in the washing machine.”

Katie Fairclough said: “Wow. I might try it on my Vans, they have gone yellow.”

Danielle Irving added: “Oh my God, that’s actually amazing.

“I can’t believe it, they look so fresh now.”

Jill Hughes-Ostipwko said: “This brings me great joy.”

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