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Dinosaurs had squishy feet says new study

Dinosaurs had squishy feet says new study

DINOSAURS had special squishy feet that helped to support their immense weight. 

Boffins conducted studies to see how creatures like the Brontosaurus and Diplodocus were able to stand and walk with their hulking bodies.

Using 3D modelling they discovered that the back feet of a sauropod had a soft tissue pad under its heel which helped to absorb its weight. 

It’s estimated the beasts could have weighed as much as 80 tons – eight times the weight of a small crane and around double the maximum weight of a lorry. 


Sauropods were the largest terrestrial animals that roamed the Earth for more than 100 million years.

Aussie brainiacs at the University of Queensland and Monash University said their structure could have almost been like a wedge high-heel in the foot.

Dr Andréas Jannel, who conducted the study, said: “We’ve finally confirmed a long-suspected idea and we provide, for the first time, biomechanical evidence that a soft tissue pad – particularly in their back feet – would have played a crucial role in reducing locomotor pressures and bone stresses.

“It is mind-blowing to imagine that these giant creatures could have been able to support their own weight on land.”

The study was published in the journal Science Advances.

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