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Britain’s sassiest restaurant’s brutal replies to Tripadvisor reviews under five stars

"We state clearly on our website that grumpy people should stay at home"

BRITAIN’S sassiest restaurant owner has hit back at reviews rating his eatery anything lower than five stars.

The Pig & Whistle Restaurant – whose owner gets angry when it is called a pub – has an impressive average 4.5 rating on Tripadvisor. 

The owner is so passionate about keeping ratings up that he brutally responds to any reviews rating the restaurant less than top marks.

A number of fussy customers have rattled the Pig & Whistle boss’s cage by complaining about price, service and the food. 

But the Chelmsford, Essex eatery has ordered complainants to never return and even told one tipsy customer to “stick to soft drinks”


Britain's sassiest restaurant's brutal replies to Tripadvisor reviews under five stars
Credit: Facebook/The Pig & Whistle

A Tripadvisor review from a named Steve gave the restaurant two stars complaining the mains were “tasteless and not hot enough”.

BRITAIN’S sassiest restaurant owner has hit back at reviews rating his eatery anything lower than five stars.The Pig & Whistle owner wasn’t having a bar of his comments and ordered Steve to never return.

He wrote: “Oh dear, Steve.

“We definitely don’t want someone so grumpy, entitled and disappointing as you back here!

“Our food is definitely not tasteless. 

“How frustrating that keyboard warriors like you get carried away with their reviews. 

“Steve, you fall under the category of a grumpy guest. 

“We state clearly on our website that grumpy people should stay at home. 

“Do the hospitality industry a favour and stay at home, enjoy your cremated food but please grumble to yourself as I’m sure your family don’t need to hear you. 

“Your wife is very welcome to return, she was very polite.”

A woman named Karen moaned that her main course was messed up and the owner was “unnecessarily confrontational” when it was brought to his attention.

The review ended with: “Upon reading the other reviews I see the poor hospitality I received was not an isolated incident. 

“Perhaps the owner should not be customer facing if he is unable to communicate in a respectful and courteous manner.”

In a hilarious reply, the owner of the Pig & Whistle restaurant told Karen to “stick to soft drinks” if alcohol makes her forgetful. 

BRITAIN’S sassiest restaurant owner has hit back at reviews rating his eatery anything lower than five stars.The reply read: “The truth certainly hurts. 

“I’ve already replied once but you obviously didn’t like the blunt truth.

“Next time you’re in a restaurant and make a mistake by forgetting what you ordered please don’t blame anyone but yourself. 

“We’re here to serve you, not take the flack. 

“If alcohol impedes your memory I suggest you stick to soft drinks.

“To all your friends, we welcome you back but please don’t bring Karen back with you.”

In a one star review, a complainant called the restaurant a pub and branded management as “rude, unwelcoming and pretentious”.

In response, the owner reported the review to Tripadvisor.

He then wrote: “Which pub, rather than restaurant did you mean to review? 

“We have no idea who you are as your review doesn’t match what we offer. 

“We’ve reported your review to TripAdvisor as being linked to the wrong business.

“This building hasn’t been a pub in at least five years.”

Any complaints about the menu prices were shut down by the owner who insisted those who couldn’t afford to eat at the Pig & Whistle should stay at home.

One reviewer said staff spoke to her rudely after querying prices and the confusing terms and conditions of the menu.

She wrote: “They have quite a few terms and conditions here that I have never encountered before. 

“I would have walked out then and there but they had my friends credit card to book it and said they charge for a no show.

“All in all I paid £50 for a bowl of couscous, a lemon posset and a kir royal for my lunch. 

“The food was tasty but not worth the money and the attitude of the member of staff was horrible. 

“I was upset throughout the whole of my lunch.”

In a sarcastic reply, the owner hit back: “Sometimes guests get things wrong and take their anger out on us.

“And it certainly seems like this happened to you yesterday. 

“There’s plenty of cheap options, including a set menu for £25. 

“As mentioned yesterday, we clearly explain on our menu options on our website but we do know, not everyone reads in advance of booking.

BRITAIN’S sassiest restaurant owner has hit back at reviews rating his eatery anything lower than five stars.“I’m sorry you made a bad choice yesterday and we hope you find a pub rather than a restaurant that suits you next time you’re out for a boozy lunch with the girls.”

The most expensive dish on the A La Carte menu is a £59 “spring lamb sharer” with a four bone rack, roasted rump and confit shoulder bon bon.

On the Sunday menu, diners can get 1kg of Côte de boeuf to share for £79.

It comes with burnt onion puree, creamed spinach & mushrooms and a choice of a sauce and a side per person.

A portion of truffle parmesan triple cooked chunky chips is £7.

This is not the first time the restaurant’s owner has clapped back at unimpressed customers. 

They have passionately slammed a number of reviews which confused them as a pub.  

The owner once wisely remarked that people “wouldn’t enter a shoe shop for a haircut”.

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